Monday, August 13, 2012

Comedic Relief Compliments of a Two Year Old

Those of you who know my daughter know she is a complete ham and has been for quiet some time.  She may look like a D'Atri but she has the Garland sense of humor for sure!  As she learns to talk more and more she loves to make others laugh.  I actually first knew she was a comedian before she could talk.  One night while in the tub when she was about 11 months old she farted, I laughed of course, because nothing is better than potty humor.  She decided to force another fart (for the laugh) and proceeded to poop in my tub.  Over the past two weeks she has cracked me up on several occasions and I wanted to document them so I wouldn't forget years from now.

Potty training has been the source of several laughs as of late.  On day two of potty training Olivia was having a hard time producing her number two and in her best baritone voice said "Hard work!".  When she still couldn't get it out she looked at me and said, "I can't reach it".  I could barely catch my breath I was laughing so hard.

During dinner with a friend this weekend she decided she needed to go potty.  We are in the stall taking care of business when a lady walked into the stall next to us.  Olivia saw her feet under the stall door and in a not so quiet voice said, "Mommy she is hiding!".  I tried to stifle my laughter as I explained that we all like to have privacy in the potty.  I could hear the lady laughing as well.

Olivia woke from her nap after only sleeping an hour yesterday (much to my dismay!).  I went upstairs to retrieve her and asked why she woke up.  She said, "My Hoonie (our name for her lady parts) woke me up."  I asked why and she said, "it needs to go potty".

Though we have our moments of terrible twos lately I'm so loving this stage with my little character.  She has so much personality and makes me so proud!  I just love her to bits!

1 comment:

  1. ha ha ha ha! love Olivia humor!! She is so cute and you are right, her personality has shown as long as I can remember! Give her kisses for me!!
